Lipoma Removal, Treatment and Surgery Options
Have you have been diagnosed with lipoma? Do you have any spongy fatty lumps or something that appears to be a fatty tumor on your arm, neck, forehead or back? Are you researching for a lipoma removal option other than surgery?
If so, then you have landed on the correct page.
What is Lipoma?
Lipoma is a benign fatty tumor that stores fat cells and tissue under the surface of the skin. The size can vary from a small marble circumference to many inches across.
Which Parts of the Body Are Affected by Lipoma Lumps
These fatty tumors are usually found on the trunk, back, shoulders, neck, arms, upper thighs and sometimes the armpits. These ugly growths are sometimes painful, very embarrassing and bothersome.
As their size increase, they become quite noticeable to your family, friends and other people.
Can Lipoma Turn Into Cancer?
Doctors have informed me that lipoma lumps are not cancerous beneath the skin. However, it is rare, but they can become cancerous if the tumor reaches an organ within the body.
In some cases, surgical removal may be needed if it is causing a blockage or nerve damage.
Lipoma and Fatty Tumors In Dogs
These terrible growths are also found in the muscle tendons, nerves and joints of our beloved dogs.
Dogs are not just burdened with one, there could be many at one time. Older female dogs appear to be more prone to these lumps than males.
Unfortunately, muscle infiltration is often so extensive that surgery cannot be performed without severe consequences.
The 13 breeds that are at risk are:
Golden Retriever
Labrador Retriever
Shetland Sheepdog
Doberman Pinscher
Irish Settler
Great Dane
Airedale Terrier
Old English Sheepdog
Miniature Schnauzer
Cocker Spaniel
When petting your dog, always use your hands to feel for bumps or lumps.
The good news is there is a powerful natural cure for us humans and our four-legged friends without going bankrupt on expensive surgery.
For the past 5 years, James Reynolds has cured thousands of people and their pets from these dreaded tumors.
The best part of this publication are the many testimonials and 100% guaranteed success.
Lipoma Treatment and Removal Cost
Lipoma removal is usually performed by a surgical excision. They can also be removed by liposuction.
The costs depend on:
- The size of the tumor
- How many are on your body and…
- Where they are located.
For example, if you can tolerate local anesthesia (being awake during surgery), the cost can range between $1250 and $2500.
If general anesthesia (put to sleep) is needed, the cost could range from $3900 to $6100.
If your lipoma tumor is in a sensitive area, general anesthesia would probably be the best option.
Now, personally, I can not watch any medical shows on television because I do not want to see any surgical knives cutting on a body. So surgery is not for me. No way!
Another option is liposuction. This can range from $1680 to $5500
Watch the video below for more explanation:
How To Naturally Cure and Prevent Lipoma Lumps
James Reynolds is a hero! He has created a remarkable system that will cure these unsightly tumors without surgery!
The best part is that these methods are 100% natural and completely safe to use. Thousands of people have used these methods to cure their lipoma lumps and to prevent them from forming again.
I highly recommend this life-saving publication to you or a loved one who needs to cure their lipoma lumps.
Click the photo below and cure your lipoma lumps today!